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Hi, everyone, this is Lisa, today let’s read GET ON from Oxford Reading Tree.
First, look at the cover page, look at dad, what’s he doing? Dad is inflating something, it must be a tough work, because look at here, dad is sweating, he is very tired, ‘Phew ha ha ha’.
Chip Kipper and Biff, they’re standing here, wearing sun hats and swimming suits, they said: ‘come on dad, come on.’ Dad said:’ Okay, it’s almost done, wait a minute.’
So where are they? Look at the shells and the sand. Yes, they’re on the beach today.
Wow, Dad succeeded, it’s an inflatable boat, he is showing the inflatable boat, “Look, the banana boat is done, Get on everybody, get on.
The kids are smiling, they can’t wait to get on the boat. Look at here, there are so many people on the beach, they will have a good time here.
Get on, Biff, mom is helping her, Chip and Kipper are waiting. Biff got on, Biff is the first one to get on the boat, Chip is clapping his hands, ‘Yay, Biff, how do you feel? Is it good? Oh, mom, I can’t wait, it’s my turn now.
Get on, Chip. Yes, it’s time for Chip to get on the boat, mom is helping him, be careful Chip, hold your sister. Chip got on. Great, there are two kids on the boat now.
They are really happy, ‘Come on, Kipper, join us, it’s your turn, it’s great on the boat, come on!’
Get on Kipper, mom is holding Kipper to get on the boat, Kipper got on. Good job, everyone is on the boat now. Dad said: ‘Are you ready? I am gonna pull the rope, let’s go.’
Kipper and Biff are very excited, but look at Chip, he’s worried, why? Maybe the boat is shaking, so he’s worried, mom said: ‘Don’t worry, Chip, I am here, you’re safe.’
Oh, no, splash, all kids fell into the water, the boat is in the air, and it bumped into dad’s head, poor dad.
Look at mom, she’s shocked, ‘Is everyone okay?’
‘Yes, mom, we’re fine, don’t worry.’
What will they do next? Maybe they can play on the boat one by one this time, or….they just play in the water.
Have a good time kids, it’s a very funny day.
Okay, thank you for watching, until next video, bye.
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